ניירות דיון 2006
7-06 "Similarity and Heuristics in Consumer Expenditure"
Itzhak Gilboa, Andrew Postlewaite and David Schmeidler, April, 2007
6-06 "Implementing Cooperative Solution Concepts: A Generalized Bidding Approach"
David Wettstein, Yuan Ju, October, 2006
5-06 "עשור להשתלבות עולי ברה"מ לשעבר בשוק העבודה הישראלי"
צבי אקשטיין , שרית כהן-גולדנר , טלי לרום ,ספטמבר ,2006
4-06 "A Mechanism-Design Approach to Speculative Trade"
Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler, July, 2006
3-06 "Empirical Similarity"
Itzhak Gilboa, Offer Lieberman and David Schmeidler, June, 2006
Publishing: Review of Economics and Statistics
2-06 "Temptation-Driven Preferances"
Eddie Dekel, Barton L.Lipman, Aldo Rustichini, May, 2006
1-06 Has Debt Restructuring Facilitated Structural Transformation on Israeli Family Farms?
Ayal Kimhi, April, 2006