ניירות דיון 2012

15-12 "Public Funding of Higher Education"

Itzhak Zilcha, Jean-Marie Viaene, December, 2012

Abstract   Paper for download


14-12 "The Immigration from the former Soviet Union to Israel: Evidence and Interpretation"

Yoram Weiss, Sarit Cohen Goldner, Zvi Eckstein, November, 2012

Abstract  Paper for download


13-12 "Does Quality Time Produce Quality Children? Evidence on the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital using Parental Deaths"

Eric D. Gould, Avi Simhon, October, 2012

Abstract   Paper for download


12-12 "Approximately Optimal Mechanism Design via Differential Privacy"

Kobbi Nissim, Rann Smorodinsky, Moshe Tennenholtz, July, 2012

Abstract   Paper for download


11-12 "Innovation Contests"

David Wettstein, David Perez-Castrillo, July, 2012

Abstract   Paper for download


10-12   "The Fertility of Highly Educated Women and its Implications for the Relationship between Income Inequality and Economic Growth"

Hosny Zoabi, Moshe Hazan, May, 2012

Abstract   Paper for download


9-12  "Does Information about Arbitrators` Win/Loss Ratios Improve their Accuracy?"

Zvika Neeman, Alon Klement, March, 2012

 Abstract        Paper for download


8-12 "Unemployment Accounts"

Ofer Setty, February, 2012

Abstract         Paper for download


7-12   "Unemployment Insurance and the Uninsured"

Tali Regev, February, 2012

 Abstract         Paper for download


6-12 "Precautionary Saving and Labor Supply"

Zvi Hercowitz, Yaniv Ben Ami, February, 2012

Abstract       Paper for download


5-12 "Tournament and the Quality of Work"

Anat Bracha, January, 2012

Abstract      Paper for download


4-12 “Tax Competition and Migration: The Race-to-the-Bottom Hypothesis Revisited”

Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, January, 2012

Abstract     Paper for download


3-12 Minorities: Cultural Transmission, Fertility and Integration Policy

Chaim Fershtman, Sagit Bar-Gill, January, 2012

Abstract   Paper for download


2-12 "Education Signaling with Uncertain Returns"

Tali Regev, January, 2012

 Abstract  Paper for download


1-12 "Rise to the Challenge or Not Give a Damn: Differential Performance in High vs. Low Stakes Tests"

Zvika Neeman, Yigal Attali, Analia Schlosser, January, 2012

Abstract  Paper for download


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