ניירות דיון 2011

9-11  "Job Satisfaction and the Wage Gap"

Ady Pauzner, Eddy Dekel, December, 2011

Abstract    Paper for download


8-11  "When Stolper-Samuelson does not apply:International Trade and Female Labor"

Hosny Zoabi, Philip Saur'e, December, 2011

Abstract   Paper for download


7-11 "Asymetric Contests with Independent Valuations"

Ron Siegel, October, 2011

Abstract        Paper for download


6-11  "Government`s Credit-Rating Concerns and the Evaluation of Public Projects"

Ady Pauzner, Nadav Levy, October, 2011

Abstract   Paper for download


5-11 "Competition in Funding Higher Education"

Prof. Itzhak Zilcha, Prof. Bernhard Eckwert, August, 2011

Abstract   Paper for download


4-11 "Differences Between Free vs. Restricted Immigration: Bilateral Country Study"

Assaf Razin, Jackline Wahba, June, 2011

Abstract   Paper for download


3-11 "Placebo Reforms"

Ran Spiegler, May, 2011

Abstract      Paper for download


2-11 "Sons or Daughters? Endogenous Sex Preferences and the Reversal of the Gender Educational Gap"

Hosny Zoabi, Moshe Hazan, January, 2011

Abstract      Paper for download


1-11  "A Framework for Analyzing an HMO-Hospital Network Story"

Chaim Fershtman, January, 2011

Abstract    Paper for download


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