ניירות דיון 2016
1-16 "Job Loss, Consumption and Social Insurance"
Itay Saporta-Eksten, January 2016
2-16"The Political Economy of Redistribution in the U.S. in the Aftermath of World War II - Evidence and Theory"
Roel Beetsma, Alex Cukierman, Massimo Giuliodori, February 2016
The paper was published in Beetsma R., A. Cukierman and M. Giuliodori (2016), "The Political Economy of Redistribution in the U.S. in the Aftermath of World War II - Evidence and Theory", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 8(4), pp. 1-40, November.
3-16"Managing Non-Rational Expectations: A "Monetary Policy" Example"
Ran Spiegler, March 2016
The paper is forthcoming in JEEA Can Agents with Causal Misperceptions be Systematically Fooled?
4-16 "The Chosen Many: Population Growth and Jewish Childcare in Central-Eastern Europe, 1500-1930"
Maristella Botticini, Zvi Eckstein, Anat Vaturi, March 2016
The paper is forthcoming in M. Botticini, Z. Eckstein and A. Vaturi "Child Care and Human Development: Insights from Jewish History in Central and Eastern Europe, 1500-1930", Economic Journal, 2019
5-16 "The Effects of Income Tax Cuts on Emigration from Israel"
Tomer Blumkin, Yoram Margalioth, Michel Strawczynski, March 2016
6-16 "Competitive Equilibrium as a bargaining solution: an axiomatic approach"
Shiri Alon, Ehud Lehrer, April 2016
7-16 "Preferences and Social Influence"
Chaim Fershtmani, Uzi Segal, June 2016
The paper was published in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, VOL. 10, NO. 3, AUGUST 2018 (pp. 124-42)
8-16 "How Migration can change Income Inequality: The case of Israel"
Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, July 2016
9-16 "The Silent Treatment"
Geoffroy de Clippel, Kfir Eliaz, Kareen Rozen, July 2016
10-16 "Children, Time Allocation and Consumption Insurance"
Richard Blundell, Luigi Pistaferri, Itay Saporta-Eksten, July 2016
11-16 "מדמי אבטלה לחשבונות ביטוח תעסוקה:ייעול ביטוח האבטלה בישראל"
עופר סטי, עידו שלמה, אוגוסט 2016
12-16 "Does Police Presence Reduce Car Accidents?"
Sarit Weisburd, August 2016
13-16 "Women's Liberation as a Financial Innovation"
Moshe Hazan, David Weiss, Hosny Zoabi, August 2016
The paper is forthcoming in The Journal of Finance
14-16 "The Labor Market of Arab Israeli Men"
Eran Yashiv, September 2016
15-16 "Allocation of Public Funding within the Higher Education System"
Limor Hatsor, Itzhak Zilcha, November 2016
16-16 "Out of Africa: Human Capital Consequences of In Utero Conditions"
Victor Lavy, Analia Schlosser, Adi Shany, November 2016