ניירות דיון 2008

12-08  "When is "Too Much" Inequality Not Enough? The Selection of Israeli Emigrants"

Eric D. Gould, Omer Moav, November, 2008

Abstract    Paper for download


11-08  "Talent Utilization, a Source of Bias in Measuring TFP"

Hosny Zoabi, November, 2008

Abstract    Paper for download


10-08  "Inside the Black of Box of Ability Peer Effects: Evidence from Variation in Low Achievers in the Classroom"

Analia Shlosser, M.Daniele Paserman, Victor Lavy, November, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


9-08  "Alternative Social Security Systems and Growth"

Itzhak Zilcha and Michael Kaganovich, June, 2008

Abstract    Paper for download


8-08  "Labor Market Dynamics and the Business Cycle"

Eran Yashiv, June, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


7-08  "Multidimensional Arbitration: A Mechanism for Optimal Bilateral Trade of Multiple Objects"

Ady Pauzner and Ran Eilat, June, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


6-08  "Tax Competition and Foreign Direct Investment: Is there a Race to the Bottom?"

Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka, June, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


5-08  "Identification and Mobility of Israeli Patenting Inventors"

Manuel Trajtenberg, Gill Shiff, April, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


4-08  "Bidding with Coalitional Externalities: a strategic approach to partition function form games"

Yuan Yu, David Wettstein, April, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


3-08  "Asymmetric Learning in Repeated Contracting: An Empirical Study"

Alma Cohen, March, 2008

Abstract  Paper for download


2-08  "Microstructure of Collaboration: The Network of Open Source Software"

Chaim Fershtman, Neil Gandal, March, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


1-08  "Taboos: Considering the Unthinkable"

Chaim Fershtman, Uri Gneezy, Moshe Hoffman, March, 2008

Abstract   Paper for download


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