ניירות דיון 2014

9-14 "Transfer Implementation in Congestion Games”  

Itai Arieli, October 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


8-14 "Policymaker Preferences, Frictions and Labor Market Outcomes”

Eran Yashiv, August 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


7-14 "Migration and Fiscal Competition within a Union”

Assaf Razin, Efraim Sadka, August 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


6-14 "On the Design of a Default Pension Fund"

Magnus Dahlquist, Ofer Setty, Roine Vestman, July 2014

Abstract    Paper for download


5-14 "How do Staggered Boards Affect Shareholder Value> Evidence from a Natural Experiment."

Alma Cohen, Charles C.Y. Wang, July 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


4-14 "Privacy-Aware Mechanism Design"

Kobbi Nissim, Claudio Orlandi, Rann Smorodinsky, March, 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


3-14 "Trends in Prenatal Sex Selection and Girls` Nutritional Status in India"

Analia Schlosser, Luojia Hu, March, 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


2-14 "Agility in Repeated Games: An Example"

Ran Spiegler, February, 2014

Abstract   Paper for download


1-14 "On the Equilibrium Effects of Nudging"

Ran Spiegler, February, 2014

Abstract    Paper for download



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