ניירות דיון 2018
1-2018 ישראל והעולם הכלכלי: מבט היסטורי
אסף רזין, מרץ 2018
2-18 "Optimal Guidance with Adverse Selection"
Kfir Eliaz and Alex Frug, June 2018
3-18 "Incentive-Compatible Estimators"
Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler, March 2018
Published: The Model Selection Curse, American Economic Review: Insights VOL. 1, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2019, (pp. 127-40)
4-18 "The Decision to become an entrepreneur and entrepreneurial success among ethnic minorities and immigrants: The case of Israel"
Ayal Kimhi and Arik Horowitz, April 2018
5-18 "Dynamic Disclosure with Uncertain Disclosure Costs"
Daniel Bird, July 2018
6-18 "Monotone Activities in Fluctuating Contracting Environments"
Daniel Bird and Alexander Frug, July 2018
7-18 "Gender Homophily in Referral Networks: Consequences for the Medicare Physician Earnings Gap"
Dan Zeltzer, August 2018
Published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12 (2): 169-97. DOI: 10.1257/app.20180201